Curriculum Overview
About our Curriculum
Sacred Heart Academy offers an innovative and challenging curriculum that provides each student with a well-rounded, yet customizable, academic foundation to prepare them for the college classroom and beyond. Core requirements offer exposure to multiple disciplines and an extensive selection of electives allow students to pursue their unique interests.
Honors, Dual Enrollment, and Advanced Placement courses are available for those students who qualify.
To view a our complete course offerings with course descriptions, prerequisites, and more:
Our Departments

We are committed to a rich business and finance curriculum that prepares our girls for leadership roles...

School Counseling
The Counseling Department works with students beginning in their freshman year as they transition...

The English Department offers an overview of literature through the ages, and a place for the girls to strengthen...

The Arts provide the students with a universal language to communicate our history, our values...

The Mary and James DiMeo Library collection supports the entire SHA community. We collaborate...

Mathematics is a universal language that can be used to learn more about how our world works, as it is used...

Our science program is innovative utilizing cutting-edge technology and our science courses in general are...

The Social Studies Department continually reviews the curriculum to respond to the world today...

The Theology Department offers Sacred Scripture, morality, and Catholic Social teaching.

Our World Language Department offers levels I through AP of Spanish, French, Chinese, and Latin.
Course Offering
Classes are subject to change.
114CMPTRAPP | Computer Applications |
156ENTRE | Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management |
157FINANCE | Personal Finance |
192CSPAP | AP Computer Science Principles (Advanced Placement) |
214engI | Introduction to Literary Genres and Basic Composition |
217engIH | Honors Introduction to Literary Genres and Basic Composition |
228engII | British Literature |
229engIIH | Honors British Literature |
234engIII | American Literature |
237engIIIH | HonorsAmerican Literature |
290langAP | AP English Language & Composition (Advanced Placement) |
265wldlit | World Literature |
29llitAP | AP English Literature (Advanced Placement) |
245myth | Mythology as Literature |
250novel | Great Novels |
266shkspr | Shakespeare |
286writsem | Writing Seminar |
246fic | Contemporary Fiction (2021-22) |
247drama | Modern Drama: 20th Century Stage and Screen (2021-22) |
249journ | Journalism and Memoir (2021-22) |
310arts | Introduction to Fine Arts |
Visual Art
325stdart | Studio Art |
330photo | Digital Photography |
364tvprod | TV Production |
327paint | Painting I |
367nvprod | Narrative Video Production |
345portH | Honors Art Portfolio |
313mltart | Multimedia Studies in Art (2021-22) |
351orch | Orchestra |
354shchoir | Concert/Show Choir |
358chamchoirH | Honors Chamber Choir |
363beginkey | Beginners Keyboard |
385bells | Handbell Choir (2021-22) |
369theatre | Introduction to the Theatre I |
368shax | Shakespearean Drama (2021-22) |
005frtran | Freshman Transition |
007int | Honors Fundamentals of Philosophy |
008int | Genetic Ethical Issues |
515algI | Algebra I |
517algIH | Honors Algebra I |
524geom | Geometry |
527geomH | Honors Geometry |
534algII | Algebra II |
537algIIH | Honors Algebra II |
539algIIpcH | Honors Algebra II/ Pre-Calculus |
544statAP | AP Statistics (Advanced Placement) |
546precalc | Pre-Calculus |
547precalcH | Honors Pre-Calculus (UConn ECE) |
548calc | Calculus |
549stat | Introduction to Statistics |
551advmath | Advanced Math |
552trig | Trigonometry |
593calcAP | AP Calculus AB (Advanced Placement and UConn ECE) |
594calcAP | AP Calculus BC (Advanced Placement) |
615physedI | Physical Education I |
635physedII | Physical Education II |
651peasst | Physical Education Assistants |
814bio | Biology |
817bioH | Honors Biology |
834chem | Chemistry |
837chemH | Honors Chemistry |
895genes | Human Gene Discovery Laboratory |
848engdes | Engineering Design |
852microbio | Microbiology |
856forens | Forensic Science |
839chemanl | Chemical Analysis |
865gen | Genetics |
859a&p | Anatomy and Physiology |
861a&pH | Honors Anatomy and Physiology |
844physics | Physics |
898biotecH | Honors Biotechnology Research Project |
890bioAP | AP Biology (Advanced Placement and UConn ECE) |
892chemAP | AP Chemistry (Advanced Placement) |
894physAP | AP Physics 1 (Advanced Placement) |
860astron | Introduction to Astronomy (2021-22) |
915ancciv | Ancient Civilizations |
934wciv | Western Civilization |
937wcivH | Honors Western Civilization |
975eurhisAP | AP European History |
924ushis | United States History |
927ushisH | Honors U.S. History |
992ushisAP | AP U.S. History (Advanced Placement) |
914gov | U.S. Government |
964govAP | AP U.S Government (Advanced Placement) |
983psych | Psychology |
993psychAP | AP Psychology (Advanced Placement) |
945law | Law and Legal System |
946mideast | Middle Eastern Studies |
963asian | Asian Studies (2021-22) |
965issues | Issues in the U.S. 1945-Present (2021-22) |
967arthist | Art History (2021-22) |
714theolI | Theology I: Our Catholic Faith |
724theolII | Theology II: Scripture |
734theolIII | Theology III: Conscience Formation & Catholic Social Teaching |
744theolIV | Theology IV: Life in Christ |
413spI | Spanish I |
424spII | Spanish II |
427spIIH | Honors Spanish II |
434spIII | Spanish III |
437spIIIH | Honors Spanish III |
444spIV | Spanish IV: Conversation & Culture |
457splngAP | AP Spanish Language (Advanced Placement) |
416frI | French I |
426frII | French II |
429frIIH | Honors French II |
436frIII | French III |
439frIIIH | Honors French III |
447frIVH | Honors French IV (UConn ECE) |
449frenchAP | AP French (Advanced Placement) |
415latI | Latin I |
428latIIH | Honors Latin II |
450latIIIH | Honors Latin III |
452latIVH | Honors Latin IV: Topics in Latin Literature |
484latAP | AP Latin (Advanced Placement and UConn ECE) |
411chinI | Mandarin Chinese I |
421chinII | Mandarin Chinese II |
431chinIIIH | Honors Mandarin Chinese III |
442chinH | Honors Mandarin Chinese (UConn ECE) |
Advanced Courses
Meet the Academic Leadership Team