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Updates in Early College Programs

September 14th, 2023

Updates in early college programs

The Sacred Heart Academy College and Counseling office has been working diligently all summer to provide students with more early college programs than ever. This school year, SHA is partnering with four colleges and universities to offer students dual-enrollment courses. Dual enrollment courses allow students to take college/university classes while they’re still enrolled at SHA. These courses count for both high school and college credit and are a great way to get a head start on your college coursework. 

SHA students can take courses dual listed with Albertus Magnus College, Southern Connecticut State University, University of Connecticut, and University of New Haven. The list of courses included in SHA's dual enrollment program includes: AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP French, AP Physics, AP Psychology, College Algebra, Honors Government, Honors Philosophy, and Physics. SHA would like to thank Mrs. Nunez for serving as the dual enrollment representative for our school and making this experience possible for our students.

On Tuesday September 5, SHA hosted a College Application Night for our seniors and their parents. Mrs. Alexander and the guidance department hosted the event to review everything students and parents need to know about the application process. Students each received an individualized packet to guide them through the college application process as well as a checklist to track their progress. The college application progress can feel daunting, but the SHA College and Counseling office is here to guide you through it!

For all students interested in beginning or continuing their college search process, please note the ND/SHA College Fair will be on Monday, September 25 from 6:30-8:00pm in the SHA gym. The list of colleges attending will be available in a future newsletter.