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Sacred Heart Academy Reunion 2023

October 2nd, 2023

Reunion 2023


This Saturday, SHA hosted the annual Reunion for all alumnae celebrating a milestone year. Over 160 alumnae were in attendance ranging from the Class of 1958, who are celebrating their 65th Reunion, to the Class of 2018, celebrating their 5th. The event included lunch under the tent, the 50th Reunion Mass in the Chapel and SHA-Rita Cocktail Hour in the Alumnae Garden. Alumnae had the opportunity to see the beautiful renovations of the building and catch up with SHA faculty as part of the nostalgic event. The SHA Choir, led by Vesna Mehinovic, sang some traditional SHA songs and the cast of Rock of Ages: Teen Edition performed “Here I Go Again” - one of the songs featured in the musical - which will be performed at the Shubert Theatre on October 20-21. Thank you to all who attended and ran this beautiful celebration of SHA Alums!