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Successful Golf Outing & 75th Reception

May 26th, 2022

Golf Outing and 75th Reception

There are so many reasons that make SHA very special. Our community is at the top of the list! On behalf of the Advancement team, thank you so much to all those who joined us Monday, May 16  at our Golf Outing and 75th Reception and those of you who bought raffle tickets and bid virtually on our silent auction items. The event brought our wonderful community together for golf, a cocktail hour, and reception with a lovely dinner while bidding on auction items! The night was made even more special with current SHA student performances from Juliana Colonis '23, who sang a beautiful solo, Gianna Gassira '23 on the flute and Monica Ehrenfels '25 playing the viola. We also welcomed back alum Abby Votto Belge '93, co-founder of Lilibridge, to talk about her path forward from SHA and running her company. 

A special shout out to our volunteers who helped plan and execute this event - it always takes a village and this event was no exception. We had a successful Golf Outing, Auction, and Raffle raising close to $100,000 supporting financial aid. 

Congratulations, also to our two Raffle winners, one SHA alum and one current family!

To view more photos from the event, click here